Military Surplus Gear For The Outdoor Enthusiast

If you are in the market for outdoor recreational gear and equipment, then you have several options available. The most obvious is to simply purchase standard gear from a commercial manufacturer at a retail store or online. Another choice is to buy military surplus gear from a military supply store like Andy and Bax. This article examines the latter alternative.  What It Is  Military surplus items are those that were commissioned by a country for use by their Armed Forces. They are procured from manufacturers who enter into a contract with the government involved.

Two Fun Classes That Will Help You Get Your Body Ready For The Beach

If you're looking forward to heading to the beach this summer, but don't feel that your body is beach ready yet, then take the initiative now and take action. Don't make the mistake and think that crash dieting is the solution. You will lose fat and muscle. Also, any weight that is lost so quickly will be difficult to keep off. You can't permanently live on a starvation diet. If you want to look good in your swimsuit, you should focus on toning or building muscle, and slowly losing fat.

Tell Them About The One That Got Away: Full Day Fishing Trips You Should Take For Some Great Stories

Going fishing is more than just taking your gear out and standing over a bridge or under it in the water up to your chest with your waders on. Going fishing means that you are spending some quiet time, usually thinking about stuff, and trying to catch that ever-elusive but incredibly impressive fish to wow other people. Some fishermen and fisher-ladies also enjoy collecting tales about "the one that got away.

3 Tips For Making Your Own Yoga Blocks

If you are looking to make the most out of your yoga experience, then you need yoga blocks. These blocks are used to help you gain more flexibility, and they can help you maintain your balance in certain poses. You can purchase yoga blocks from a fitness store, but they may be harder to find if your area doesn't cater to yogis. Luckily, you can make some yourself if you can't easily find them; you can also make substitutes to save money while you still increase your flexibility.